General welding questions that dont fit in TIG, MIG, Stick, or Certification etc.
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    Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:39 pm

Hi guys. I'm a relatively new welder if you'll just bear with me. I have done most of my welding with Ocy/Acetlylene and I'm just starting out using MIG for the first time. I don't have a suitable building to weld in and so I do my welding outdoors. I'm finding that with the auto darkening helmet, even set to 9 I have trouble seeing the weld puddle. I'm assuming it's because the sunlight coming in from behind my head is messing with what I'm seeing and that I need to be in a shaded area. Is this correct? Is there a simple way of fixing this? Obviously I could simply put up a temporary "roooof" (Canadian eh) but could I also drape something over my head to keep the light from seeping in or would this be a very bad idea because of fumes. Thanks.
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    Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:44 pm

Try wearing a cloth welding cap with a brim on it. Works for me. Put it on backwards so the brim is out the back.
Highly skilled at turning expensive pieces of metal into useless but recyclable crap..
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I put Velcro tabs on the helmet and then the corresponding tabs on a 2' x 2' piece of leather. It makes a nice hood that does not seem to collect fumes.

Light shining in the back of your helmet will certainly cause a reflection issue so any way to reduce it helps. Moving the work so the light is in front of you instead of from behind is the quick way (if possible).
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