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    Tue Jan 28, 2014 2:20 pm

I ordered an Auto Darkening helmet from this online vendor 2 weeks ago. They list the status of the order as pending. They have not responded to 2 inquiries regarding the order. Has anyone dealt with them? Any input would be helpful.
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Hey mate,

Welcome to the show, I just had a look at their web site, it looks like they mean business, so im not sure why they are giving you the rough treatment. I see 2 phone numbers on there, one on the top left hand and one way down the bottom. Id give them a ring and see whats what, and go from there. If no good, contact your bank and see if you can cancel your transaction.

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Welcome to the forum bl364jw.
M J Mauer Andover, Ohio

Linoln A/C 225
Everlast PA 200
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    Tue Jan 28, 2014 2:20 pm

I received this response from Welders direct. It will follow:

Check you paypal account. You should have received a refund. These items ship direct from Everlast and I could not get them to respond. I am sorry.

Discount Welders Direct

I am interested in purchasing and using products from Everlast. I have heard great thing about their quality. I am a hobbyist and price is a big concern. Are there distributors that they service? Or is it simply difficult to obtain their products?

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bl364jw wrote:I am interested in purchasing and using products from Everlast. I have heard great thing about their quality. I am a hobbyist and price is a big concern. Are there distributors that they service? Or is it simply difficult to obtain their products? bl364jw
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bl364jw wrote:I ordered an Auto Darkening helmet from this online vendor 2 weeks ago. They list the status of the order as pending. They have not responded to 2 inquiries regarding the order. Has anyone dealt with them? Any input would be helpful.
The company cited in this post has sent 2 responses apologizing for the situation and has returned the funds to the account that was charged. It is unfortunate. It appears that Everlast is not supporting them.

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Best you can hope for i spose.

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