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Video Suggestion

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:54 pm
by Jamie1968
New here. But have been watching the videos on You Tube for a while now. Very good stuff...
I have a request/suggestion for a video that I don't think has been covered yet. I would like to see a tutorial on base metal repair on a pump or motor shaft. I am a machinist by trade, and have picked up some welding knowledge over the years.
But this is an area that I can't really seem to get much information on. Most welders I have spoken to about it, don't really have a technique, but surely there has to be something to it in order to ensure that you get penetration, no porosity, and ultimately control warpage. If there is anything that could be shown, I would appreciate it.
Keep up the good work!

Re: Video Suggestion

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:39 pm
by Otto Nobedder
Welcome Jamie,

I'm going to copy this post to "Wish List", which is specifically for making video suggestions, but there are two videos right here on the first page of "Video Discussion" that apply to some degree to your question. I expect others will share more of them. Check out these topics: ... =23&t=8542 ... =23&t=8491

Steve S

Re: Video Suggestion

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:18 am
by Arno
Adam Booth (ABOM79 on Youtube) has done several video's on shaft repairs and buildups. Often he does use spray-metal transfer like in this video:

Keeps the heat input low, so less warpage but AFAIK not suited for building up severe damage/wear.

He also did a few repairs and buildups with machining afterwards with more traditional TIG buildup and then machining it back down while keeping warpage in check. May want to search through some of his video's.

Bye, Arno.