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Metal cutting circular saw for beveling plate?

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 7:49 pm
by sbaker56
Believe I saw a thread about this a long time ago, unless you don't exactly need the practice, it's not much fun to do an open root weld with gouged up uneven poorly beveled plate that you tried to do with an angle grinder and a rather lacking amount of skill with it. I've gotten to where I can do a clean even enough grind with a cubitron resin disc that they'd actually be usable, but it's makes one hell of a shop mess and definitely isn't easy. While I know a track torch will cut a perfect bevel if set right, I don't exactly have that kind of money, nor a few grand for another beveling tool.

Enter seeing it talked about with a dry cut circ saw with an adjustable cut angle and a straight edge, while it would be hard to use on a precut coupon if you had a sheet of plate it seems like it'd be by far the cheapest, fastest and still precise way to cut an even bevel for use as practice test plates. Has anyone here experimented with doing exactly that and can tell me if it works in practice nearly as well as in theory?

Re: Metal cutting circular saw for beveling plate?

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 8:20 pm
by Oscar
I don't see why it would not work on flat plate with the appropriate saw & blade.

On a side note, I had once contemplated creating a new style of plasma-cutter pipe beveler that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, and would be affordable by nearly anyone (relatively speaking). It's just a gedankenexperiment at the moment, but I think I can figure out the geometry if I put more time and effort into it.

Re: Metal cutting circular saw for beveling plate?

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 1:21 pm
by Coldman
I needed to bevel some 8mm plate and wasn't looking forward to all the grinding. Hate grinding. Had the same thought. Went to the local bloke heaven shop to buy a circ saw but none had adjustable cut angle. So I bought a blade for my 30year old wood saw that I don't use any more. The guy said to adjust the blade height so that it just cuts through the steel. I found this to be bad advice, caused too much load on the motor, smoke came out. I let it cool, reset for full cut depth and 45 degree bevel and it cut like butter and straight. Motor didn't get hot.
High recommend it. Wear ppe, chips fly everywhere.