Whos hiring and where, pay, hours, Certification tests given, tig, mig, stick?
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Offshore Inland is hiring in the port area of Pensacola. Basically in the downtown area.
I have lived here most of my life, And if you know where the "Fish House" or "Global Grill" restaurants are you will know where to go.

At the trade school I am enrolled at we had a HR speaker come tell us about welding.
Offshore Inland is taking applications and doing interviews for 1st and 2nd class fitters and welders, but I'm sure not just limited to that.

I am only quoting but the speaker said 1st class is $23/hr start and 2nd class is $18/hr to start. I'm pretty sure overtime was definitely there too.
If anyone is looking to test for pipe jobs in the Pensacola area I hope this helps. TWIC is needed to get in btw.

I would definitely be here right now if I could but I cannot start work until August-October 2014

I have heard good and bad things there, Mostly politics and opinions...Without any experience I cannot really comment on this Jobsite.
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Sounds like a company that does, or supports, the shipyard or offshore oil trades.

The use of 1st/2nd class to classify fitters and welders, as well as the TWIC requirement suggest this.

Thanks for sharing.

Steve S
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