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Problems connecting to site, posting messages, etc...

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 4:32 pm
by TraditionalToolworks
There seems to be some issue that I am seeing for the past 4-5 days where the site doesn't respond on the first request. This also happens when posting a reply to a message, where it spins trying to wait for the host.

In some cases stopping the transaction and hitting submit again will get a response, sometimes it can take 2 or 3 of those. But oddly is that when it is able to respond, it comes back with a response quickly.

I don't know what would cause that, it doesn't seem this site is using ads, I've seen that in the past where certain sites for ads would have issues. I do use an ad blocker though, I will try to turn that off, maybe that is a problem here, not sure.

Anyone else seeing this issue? As an example I see this when using a bookmark to go to "View active topics", it will spin but then if I abort the request and try again it will often get an immediate response.

EDIT: this happened when submitting this message, it started spinning, but hitting the X to stop and then re-submitting worked immediately.

Re: Problems connecting to site, posting messages, etc...

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 9:26 pm
by Poland308
It seems to happen more when someone else pulls up the same post or adds to a post at the same time. Think it’s a syncing issue on the server end. But I just play video games I’m not much of a techie.

Re: Problems connecting to site, posting messages, etc...

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 11:05 pm
by TraditionalToolworks
Poland308 wrote:It seems to happen more when someone else pulls up the same post or adds to a post at the same time. Think it’s a syncing issue on the server end. But I just play video games I’m not much of a techie.
I guess I am a techie, but not sure what is causing the problem, someone would need to look through the server logs to see if anything exists, or what the problem is in contacting the server.

I just replied to a message, took 4 times of stopping the transaction and submitting it again before it went through.

No worries, just wanted to mention it. ;)

EDIT: this one went through first time. No real rhyme or reason for it.

Re: Problems connecting to site, posting messages, etc...

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 1:32 pm
by TraditionalToolworks
Someone should reboot the server and see if the problem goes away.

Not a very good solution, I like to refer to that as the Windows solution, the answer is always reboot.. :oops:

But given there is no real admin for this site, that might be a simple fix.

Re: Problems connecting to site, posting messages, etc...

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 9:49 am
by Spartan
TraditionalToolworks wrote:Someone should reboot the server and see if the problem goes away.

Not a very good solution, I like to refer to that as the Windows solution, the answer is always reboot.. :oops:

But given there is no real admin for this site, that might be a simple fix.
That's the "Linux" solution for me too, sometimes. :lol:

Re: Problems connecting to site, posting messages, etc...

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 4:16 pm
by TraditionalToolworks
Spartan wrote:That's the "Linux" solution for me too, sometimes. :lol:

It shouldn't be, you can always stop/start/restart processes and keep those systems running for a long time, maybe not forever, but a long time.

I once took pride in having a database server running for about 335 days before it went down in a power outage. The company was a Linux company and the CEO came over to ask why the server had gone down and/or why it wasn't on a UPS? I explained to him that I had been working in the building as they were first installing the networks and that machine had been running next to my desk since that time as I didn't want to reboot it and didn't have an UPS at the time. I literally had set it up with a database and started to do my development, it ended up running a large part of their backend. Classic Linux story.

He had IT come over and take the server from me and move it into the lab and put it on an UPS and they supplied me with a new much more powerful server to use as my 2nd machine. I had another desktop running Linux at the time. I am proud to say it was my first server running Linux in a production environment, so it proved to me that Linux was capable. I was running a MySQL database on it, until that point I had used mostly Oracle, SQL Server, Informix, stuff like that...I even worked at Oracle for about a year and a half working on the 7.3 release of GUI tools and SDK.

Probably more information that you expected in response, but suffice to say that when most people resort to rebooting a Linux machine it usually shows that they don't know how to manage and administrate a Linux server to begin with. ;)

And FWIW, the company was VA Linux Systems, they hold the IPO record on Wall street for the highest increase on the first day for an IPO in the history of Wall street.

Re: Problems connecting to site, posting messages, etc...

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 5:05 pm
by Spartan
TraditionalToolworks wrote:
Spartan wrote:That's the "Linux" solution for me too, sometimes. :lol:
Probably more information that you expected in response, but suffice to say that when most people resort to rebooting a Linux machine it usually shows that they don't know how to manage and administrate a Linux server to begin with. ;)
LOL! Yes, I am certainly no expert with Linux! I mainly only use it for distributed computing projects (Mint, Peppermint, and Ubuntu distros), and I just set them up, let them run, update as needed, and mostly forget about them...until of course they have a hangup (mostly with the remote access software) at which point I just reboot them :mrgreen:

Re: Problems connecting to site, posting messages, etc...

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 5:43 pm
by TraditionalToolworks
Forum seems to be working better today. :D