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I need some advice

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 10:32 pm
by MDF
Hello all, I graduate from the local technical college's Welding and Joining Technology program soon and really don't know which field to go into as far as welding goes. Any advice or suggestions?

Re: I need some advice

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 4:59 am
by Gdarc21
Hi mate, congrats on finishing soon.
What do you want to do?
What are your options, realistically?
What aspects of welding are you good at or what aspects do you need to work on more?
It depends on what you want vs can do vs options. I always try to challenge myself but not lose money doing it. Sometimes to specialise you have to take less money doing it till you are a specialist. But if you can't do what you choose, find honest people to work for do what they need done, do it well and keep getting better and keep doing that wherever you go until you can choose your favourite area.
My advise for whatever it is worth:
Get started in trade, melt metal smile more make great trade mates, plan your future less and learn more about everything welding everyday.
You will tend to go where you are meant to be, even if you don't enjoy patches of it what you learn may help years later.
The only important part is being a good tradie and everyone getting home safely for fun with thier friends and family.
Good luck bro.