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We need a "off topic" forum.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2024 7:53 pm
by stefuel
My wife was watching Dr Phil tonight. Probably nuff said but tonights topic is about people being scammed into sending money to a stranger with the hopes of a relationship from someone from the other side of the globe based solely on a sob story and a picture. This guy emptied out his savings to a picture of a porn actress looking for a relationship. He has a wife and children to support. OK, rant off for now. Thoughts???

Re: We need a "off topic" forum.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2024 10:56 pm
by tweake
your posting in the right forum. its close enough.

the amount of scams at the moment is huge. everything from investment scams, relationship scams, tricking people into being drug couriers etc.

Re: We need a "off topic" forum.

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 8:21 am
by tRidiot
It's truly heartbreaking to see some of the things going on in our world today... this sort of thing has always happened, though technology has opened up whole new methods and whole new levels of scam.

I can tell you multiple people from direct personal experience who have lost their entire livelihoods, homes, retirements, etc. It's easy for us to shake our heads and marvel at how freaking STUPID some people can be - but the human mind and heart has always dreamed of that 'one-in-million chance' of hitting it big - in life, in love, in business, the lottery, etc. Everyone secretly in their heart yearns to be recognized, to be accepted, to be appreciated for who they are.

Next door neighbor lady (late 70s now) has been scammed out of likely about a half-mil of retirement funds, now destitute and barely hanging on to her home, only through the help of her brother who is paying her bills - and still trying to send money to scammers online, from what I understand. It's a tragic situation, but one I distanced myself from after multiple attempts to get her to stop and being dragged into it ourselves. Just sad and pathetic.

Recent movie came out with Jason Statham - The Beekeeper. Not realistic, no, but it's a typical Hollywood over the top shoot-em-up movie and it's good for an entertaining sit down, if you like things like the Bourne or John Wick stuff. We enjoyed it. The reason I mention it is it is about this exact scenario. Definitely designed to tug at the heart strings with the initial victim being targeted by scammers like this.