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6g 2in certification test

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:34 pm
by NoLogix
Hey I'm new here and I want to apologize for my English first because it's not my first language.
Also, I'm about to do my 6g certification test on 2 inch pipe and I need some advices because it's been 4 months since I finished welding school and I have not practice since. So my biggest issue doing this test is porosity everytime I'm starting my hot pass or capping in overhead position. I don't know how I could fix it because I scratch the rod and don't let it heat enough or I'm too far away? I'd like to have some advice on this because I know porosity is really not good while doing this test and I don't want to fail.
Also, what size of rod do you guys use while doing the hot pass: 3/32 or 1/8? I used to take the 3/32 but I can't fill the bevel enough so I thought I could try the 1/8 but would it be too overkill?
Last question. While doing the capping, I always try to do 3 beads but while doing the second and third one theres always an undercut and I'm struggling to make it look good because it always require a fourth bead and sometime theres still a small it because I'm too hot or it's my angle that's not good?

Re: 6g 2in certification test

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:16 pm
by weldin mike 27
Hey mate,

Welcome to the show. Since you mentioned starting porosity, Im assuming that you are using 7018 rods? Jody, our head honcho has made a few videos demonstrating good starting techniques for stick.

The first one is sort of a what not to do video, and with good techniques after.

This one is tig root and hot followed by 7018 cap.

I hope they help.

Re: 6g 2in certification test

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:26 pm
by NoLogix
That second video is really great I'll try to start the stick farther than the beginning of my beads and see if that's my problem

Although, since my certification test is on a 2in rather than a 6in, it would heat up pretty quickly compared to the 6 so what would you recommand while doing the capping? Should I wait a bit to cool down or just lower the amp because when I do this the stick just keep sticking and making crap :/

Re: 6g 2in certification test

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:47 pm
by weldin mike 27

I cant offer personal experience because i dont weld pipe. But i think if you hold a short arc and let it cool down a bit between runs, that may help. I think jody made a 2" pipe vid a while back so ill did it up for you.


Re: 6g 2in certification test

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:35 pm
by AKweldshop
Hey Mick, I beat you to it ;)

Here's the 6g 2 inch 7018 cover pass ... ding-test/

Re: 6g 2in certification test

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:18 am
by weldin mike 27

Re: 6g 2in certification test

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:23 am
by AKweldshop